On February 5th, Rowan turned FOUR months old!
Four Month Stats:
You weighed about 13 lbs.
You were eating 5 ounce bottles every three hours during the day.
You were on a pretty set schedule, waking and eating at 8 am, and watching cartoons while I ate my breakfast.
Nap between 9:15 and 9:30 and sleeping until 10:30 or 11.
You were still spitting up ALOT during this time.
You always enjoy family dinner, You sit in your bouncer by daddy and tell him all about your day.
After dinner you usually take a short little catnap. Daddy usually holds you.
At about 7:30 you get your bedtime bottle. Sometimes you go right to sleep, other times you like to chat, but you are always in your bed asleep by 8:30.
You are still sleeping all night! You may wake once or twice looking for your binky but then its right back to sleep.
You are still wearing 0-3 month clothes, and a size 1 diaper.
You are rolling mostly from belly to back. Back to belly makes you really mad and you usually start screaming for help!
Did I mention you have a temper? Well you do. Must come from your daddy! :)
This month Mommy and Daddy went to Texas for a short weekend trip and you stayed with meme for two nights. That was the longest we have been a part. Mommy cried when she left you. But you did just fine.
Here are a few pictures from your 4th month!
You like to cuddle in your bed with raffe the Giraffe. |
Four Month Check up! Right before shots... |
Souvenirs from mommy and daddy's trip to Texas |
You enjoy being outside very much |
We love you sweet boy!!
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