Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rowan is two months!

On Monday, Rowan turned two months old! Today he is nine weeks. 

 Today we went to the doctor and you weigh 9lbs 13oz! You are 22 inches long and in the 20th percentile! You are catching up now!
 Monday night I had to go through your clothes and take out ones that don't fit. :( you are still in some newborns but they are starting to get pretty tight. I am using up the last few newborn diapers this week.  
You like to "talk" a lot now. Usually in the mornings you like to have a conversation with mommy before you get your bottle. It is the cutest thing.
 You are still having tummy issues. The doctor decided today to switch you from soy back to a milk based formula. Fingers crossed that this will help and you can stop taking that yucky green medicine. 
 You are a happy little guy. 

 You got some really cute Christmas gear from your great Aunt's Pat and Judy. You really like the reindeer. We are really looking forward to spending Christmas with you!!