Ok well I started going through the renovation pictures, and there were so many I thought this would be better split up into several smaller posts. So..... here is the bathroom transformation!!!
After we ripped out EVERYTHING (see why
here) we were left with this.
That is my wonderful, and very helpful mom

Next we had to have a meeting of the minds to figure out how to get this bathtub in.

After alot of staring....



shoving......and perhaps even a few choice words....we ended up cutting the drywall out!! HA!

and finally I could relax... lol except all I did was take pictures! ;)

Then my expert floor layer, who happens to be my sister, got to work!!

lookin' better!!

Vanity and toilet in!

paint and final touches!!!

And DONE!!!!

OK well its not exactly done....this is what it looks like today, but it still isn't trimmed out. I watch all those home improvement shows and wonder how people can live with all those small unfinished projects?!? I would think to myself, "doesn't that annoy them?" Well now I know, it sure does annoy you, but after going through
this mess its hard to get those last few things done!!! We will get them done, just not sure when!!!!
Hope you enjoyed!!! The kitchen is up next!