Well its been a while since I have been on here. I told myself that I would keep up with this, much like I told myself that I would write in my diary. Yea right. I bet every diary that I ever started had no more than 5 entries. But actually I started one after Sam left and I think that one made it to about 20. Lets hope I have better luck with this. So what has been going on with me you ask?
Last time I wrote, we were recovering from a HUGE winter storm. Well we are yet again recovering from another. It was pretty crazy around here....All the lanes were open at Wal-Mart on Wednesday because they were forecasting the storm to be here by Thursday morning. Bread, milk, eggs, flashlights, all gone. The storm wasn't as bad as they thought that it would be, but better that way than worse than they thought it would be.

Thursday, it was freezing rain all day, and then Friday around 11 a.m. it started snowing. I am guessing that we probably got at least 5 inches, maybe 6. So we are snowed in again. Although, I don't think that the roads are as bad this time. Hopefully I will get my car thawed out tomorrow. For now, Miranda and I are hanging out at the house.
Great news, the ugly old pool table is gone!!!!

I feel like I have a whole new house!!!!! Now I finally had room for a big chair and ottoman! So Miranda and I ventured out in search of the perfect chair. I wanted an accent chair, something with a print. BUT I also really wanted to only spend 300.00....that was pretty much impossible. Miranda and I looked and looked. FINALLY I found something that caught my eye in the discontinued room.

So I ended up with this little gem! With tax and all it was 298.00!!! So needless to say, I have been planted in it for weeks!! Unfortunately it looks like I have some competition....

Other happenings...
Put up some Valentines Day stuff

Unfortunately my Christmas stuff is still in the living room....

Got these really cute lanterns at Garden Ridge

And if you don't have a Scentsy Pot, you have got to get one of these!!!!

And, if you don't have one of these

Get one.
My birthday countdown officially begins on Tuesday!! Two weeks until the big 2-4! i can't believe it. Hopefully I get an awesome present!! ;)